4 months after coming back, here is the full tale of our World Trip! We used Polarsteps as our journal, writing down all our adventures for our friends and family. We now have printed a book (332 pages) with some photos and graphics. Just a small teaser:
Category: News
LookBackPacker’s statistics
The aim of this Travel Blog is to share useful information through my personal experience, to help and inspire people into their own adventures. LookBackPacker.com is now gaining trust on search engines and its general internet presence is increasing, with an average of 1743 visits and 1136 visitors per month in 2022!
Budget for a World Trip
We travelled for 14 months and gathered all the prices thanks to TravelSpend application: Here is the detail of how much did we pay the planes, accommodations, activities, transportations, food…
The best travel Apps
As we just finished a long and wonderful World Trip of 14 months, it’s time for us to share with you my favorite and best applications to travel (or at least my top 8):
End of our World Trip
Time to go back home for Christmas! Looking back on those 14 months travelling, I prepared this last post with key figures, map, articles, video and our Best of!
Discover PolarSteps
To share our travel around the World we’ve found this amazing App which follows you automatically and propose to tell the story of your trip step by step!
Video library
Discover now the videos of my trips! Can be short magical moments, but also nice movies “best of”! They’re all stored here and on my YouTube channel.
World Tour with CoVid!
Yes we are young, we are (almost) free, maybe a little crazy, ok, but we won’t wait more: CoVid seems to be unstoppable so instead of being stoped by this flew, we’ll go with the flow!
Turning into Digital Nomad
Next step for a travel addict like me is to find a solution to work whenever you want, wherever you are! So I decided to launch an old project: JennysCom.com web design.
New book!
In 2007/2008, while I was travelling through Asia, I wrote to my mom every single day of my journey. With the current CoVid and quarantine situation, I decided to look back again to those old emails and to turn it into a book. Two years after the photo exhibition, I’m[…]
Photos exhibition
FR. Parce que revenir sur les chemins parcourus est parfois une façon d’avancer, Jennifer vous propose un voyage au travers des siens. A 33 ans, cette jeune aventurière revient en France après près de 4 ans d’expatriation, et partage avec vous paysages fantastiques et personnages singuliers. Ces moments de vie[…]
Asian Project
Discover here my new challenge, my original plan, the map of the trip, estimated calendar and budget, and how to follow me…
[Who & Why]
Hi! My name is Jennifer, and I’m a travel addict… We often say “never look back, just look ahead”, it’s not good to think about the past and you should think about the future instead of going back to your old memories. I think the contrary: ALWAYS LOOK BACK! Look[…]