We travelled for 14 months and gathered all the prices thanks to TravelSpend application: Here is the detail of how much did we pay the planes, accommodations, activities, transportations, food… You will know all about what you should expect to spend on a World Trip!
Total spent per person
Per day per person
Per month/pers
What’s our budget for a 1 year trip
We started with a 10K€ budget for 1 year, each (total: 20000€). We reached it only after 9 months travelling… The original plan was to spend 6 months in Latin America and 6 months in Asia, but because of the CoVid’s restrictions – and maybe our rhythm – we finally spent 9 months in Latin America and 5 in Asia. We spent a total of 16500€ each for 14 months trip.
Our World trip started right after the CoVid crisis, from November 2021 to December 2022. We left with no clear plan, just the starting point: Santiago de Chile. As the rules about CoVid and borders were changing a lot, we never planed more than 1 month in advance out itinerary, it was most of the time a day to day adventure.
As you can see on the graphic, our budget is balanced between the accommodations and restaurants (32,3%), the buses, trains and planes (30,4%) and the activities, supplies or other fees (37,3%).
We also spent a lot in planes because we preferred the freedom of not having any deadline, and we booked last minute.
Note: we did not include in the metrics the flight Paris – Santiago, the first plane we booked 6 months before leaving, 650€ each (with the return we didn’t use).

- Red = Accomodations
- Blue = Filghts
- Orange = Transportation
- Green = Restaurants
- Pink = Activities & visits
- Light green = Rent of vehicles & gazolin
- Light blue = Supplies
- Grey = Others
> Read also “World tour with CoVid”

The most expensive budget per day per person was in Brazil (maybe because we were right in the middle of the holidays period, or we didn’t look after our money as we were only starting the trip).
Argentina is expensive but thanks to the Blue Rate you can get with Western Union transfers, you get the double of what you withdraw (so it cut by the half the prices).
We can note a big difference between the North of Thailand (22€ spent per day per person) and the South, more touristic and more expensive (33€ per day per person).
Cambodia is a much cheaper country than Japan, but as we spent only 4 days to visit Angkor, we spent a lot…
We spent an average of 595€ to cross from a continent to the other, 491€ in LatAm and 686€ in Asia
Budget per day per person & per country:
Click on the flag to see the details of the budget per country

(14 days)

(19 days)

(42 days)

(4 days)

South Korea
(11 days)

(12 days)

(30 days)
Travel Insurance
We chose Chapka and its pack adventure for 47€ per month per person. It was mandatory in some countries at that time (with CoVid coverage) but I advice to take it anyway.
Average to live when you travel
We spent an average of 35€ per day per person (except planes). For the accomodation we paid an average of 18€ for a double room (9€ per person per night).
Credit card & bank charges:
We left with 4 debit cards: 2 of the same account + our personal cards. We used mainly Revolut bank as we thought it had less fee but still we spent 263€ in ATM fees. Worst country was definitely Thailand, as the Bath is considered as a rare currency (each withdraw = 19€ fees!). We found ATMs almost everywhere, only in Philippines we had trouble to find a bank working with our cards.